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Spring Pee Wees Training (14 and under)


Spring Pee Wees Training

8 x 60 minute weekly ice hockey training sessions, on Thursdays from 5:15pm – 6:15pm.
29 October, 5, 12, 19, 26 November, 3, 10, 17 December

For pee wees (ages 11 to 14) of all levels who are currently in the Cockburn Ice Hockey Academy or at club level.

Does NOT include Thursday Stick n puck

If also registered for the Ice Hockey Academy, this program is only $100 on top of the normal term fee. Speak to reception for more details.

Full gear required

Hockey skatesHockey skates Hockey stickHockey Stick Shin guardsShin Guards Ice hockey helmetHelmet
Hockey glovesHockey gloves Neck guardNeck guard (U18) ShouldersShoulders ElbowsElbows
Hockey pantsHockey pants Cupcup

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    Cockburn Ice Hockey Academy - Ice hockey lessons for kids and adults in PerthIce hockey icon glowing hockey stick outline