
U12 Sunday Games – Ice Hockey


SKU: IHL-U12 Category: Tags: , ,

Term 1, 2024

4 February – 24 March (6 weeks remaining)

Enrol on or before 1 January 2024 to receive the $40 earlybird discount.

About the Program

6 x 60 minute weekly ice hockey sessions.
Sundays from 8:45am – 9:45am
Lesson Dates: 18, 25 February, 3, 10, 17, 24 March.

Players will be put into 3-4 teams divided by skill level, and play cross ice games.

U12 Games does NOT include Thursday Stick n puck sessions.

Players must have either completed the Ice Hockey Academy program, or; be currently enrolled in it, and have passed Skate the Game. If also registered for the Ice Hockey Academy, this program is only $150 on top of the normal term fee. Click here to enrol in both programs. Please speak to our reception team if you have already signed up for Ice Hockey Academy and wish to play some Sunday ice hockey games.

Required Equipment

Full gear required

Hockey skatesHockey skates Hockey stickHockey Stick Shin guardsShin Guards Ice hockey helmetHelmet
Hockey glovesHockey gloves Neck guardNeck guard (U18) ShouldersShoulders ElbowsElbows
Hockey pantsHockey pants Cupcup

Skater’s Details

6 in stock

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Eligibility for U12 Games: The player must have either completed the Ice Hockey Academy program, or; be currently enrolled in it, and have passed Skate the Game.
You need to pass Novice 2 in Learn to Skate before enrolling in this program
The date of birth field can't be left empty!
Please specify the skater's gender.
Please specify if this is a new enrolment or a re-enrolment
Click here to view our terms and conditions for ice skating and ice hockey programs.
You must agree to the terms of enrolment in order to enrol.



To enrol in U12 Sunday games, the skater must have either completed the Ice Hockey Academy program, or; be currently enrolled in it, and have passed Skate the Game. The Cockburn Ice Hockey Academy consists of 3 stages, and will guide you through basic skating skills, through to being ready to ‘Play the Game’. The first unit Skate the Game focuses on developing hockey specific skating skills such as balance, forward/backward skating, starts, stops, and forward/backward turning techniques. The second unit Play the Game 1 focuses on incorporating puck handling into the skills learnt in the previous unit. The final unit, Play the Game 2 is where all the skills learnt are put to use, developing strategy, while learning the rules of ice hockey.

Ice hockey lessons are available for both children and adults. Ice Hockey Academy is suitable for children aged 4+, however there can be exceptions. Things to consider are:

  • your child’s attention span (lessons are 60 minutes)
  • your child’s balance
  • willingness to take instruction from another adult.

As a safety measure, we highly recommend that all skaters obtain a full set of protective hockey equipment as soon as they can. Minimum gear requirements must be met to participate in lessons. No refunds will be issued for Cockburn Ice Hockey Academy if the skater is not wishing to continue with lessons for the duration of the term.

What’s my class time?

All class details including class time, name of your coach, etc will be sent out via provided email 1-2 days before your first lesson. If you pass any levels during the term you will receive a certificate via email at the end of term. However your class time during the term will not change unless you are transferred to another class by your coach.

Please note: there will be no make-up classes if you are unable to attend your regular class.

Family Discount

A family discount is applied when 3 or more skaters from the same family register for Learn to Skate or Ice Hockey Academy. The first and second family member pay full price, any extra skaters from the same family will receive a $50 discount. For immediate family only. Does not include extended family.

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