Come and watch an ice hockey game, one of the fastest sports on the planet!
Ice hockey is played all year round at Cockburn Ice Arena, so there is usually a selection of games to choose from on any given weekend. Check the game schedule below to help plan your visit!
- Enjoy ice hockey games every week
- Spectators are free for all IHWA (Ice Hockey WA) and House League games
- Delicious Grandstand Grub available from Cabin 401 Bar & Grill
2023/2024 Inferno Home Game Schedule
The AWIHL season runs from November to March. Come and cheer on the Perth Inferno during their 2023/2024 home games!
Perth Inferno vs Adelaide Rush
Game 1: February 24 @ 4:30pm
Game 2: February 25 @ 10:30am
Scheduled ice hockey games for 2024 🏒
How to start playing ice hockey
1. Learn how to ice skate first by taking lessons
It is important to be able to skate confidently in order to play ice hockey, and some basic skills you will need are crossovers, stopping and turning. These basic skills can be learned in one term of our Learn to Skate program.
2. Get as much ice time as you can
This means going to ice skating sessions and practising. You improve more and more each time you step onto the ice! Our ice skating programs come with free unlimited access to ice skating sessions, so making use of that free ice time is important!
3. Join the Ice Hockey Academy
You can now skate with confidence and perform some basic ice skating skills, so you are ready for ice hockey lessons! Now is the time to join the Cockburn Ice Hockey Academy.
4. Attend stick and puck sessions
These are sessions just for hockey players to practice their skating, stick handling, shooting, and other hockey skills that need working on.
5. Work on your shooting and stick handling at home
Skating is best practised on the ice, but there are a lot of stick handling and shooting exercises that can be done off the ice. All you really need is a shooting pad, a ball or green biscuit, and something to shoot at.