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ISA Singles Pattern Skills Test Practice Session


SKU: ISATPS-BK Category: Tag:

Ice Skating Australia Singles Pattern Skills Test practice sessions

45 min sessions are $25 each on Rink 2

Limited places (20 max) BOOKING ESSENTIAL

For a limited time, we are offering a session dedicated to Singles Pattern Skills Test practice to ease the congestion during regular private figure skating sessions. This session will allow skaters a safe environment free of program practice, jumps, and spins to work solely on the quality of their patterns for upcoming WAISA test sessions.

Skaters may take lessons in these sessions for their Singles Pattern Skills Tests only.

Day/Time: Saturdays 8.30 am – 9.15 am
25 March; 1, 15, 29 April (no session 8 or 22 April); 6, 13, 20, 27 May; 3, 10, 17, 24 June; 8, 15 July.
Price: $25 per session each skater

New to private figure lessons? Click here and fill out this form instead.
Please let us know you understand this product is for existing private figure members only by selecting 'I understand'.
Please specify the skater's name.
Please specify the skater's date of birth.
Please specify the skater's gender.
Please specify the skater's guardian/next of kin.
Please specify a mobile phone number.
Please select at least one coach.
You need to read and agree to the terms and conditions.
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